Monday, September 26, 2011

And Baby Makes 5...Or 8.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
-Frederick Keoing

Lance and Jennifer were my House Parents when I went through Generational Leadership after high school. They opened their home, their hearts, their family, and their arms to make me part of their lives. They heard and listened to what I was going through, made me laugh, hugged me through some of the hardest days, and never once made me feel like an outsider. They were generous with all that they had, including their time and their love. I am forever better for knowing them.

Emily and Brandon became my brother and sister. I loved car rides with them, movie nights, laughing about ridiculous things, the pictures Emily would draw me, the conversations Brandon and I would have about Jesus, and sharing. I love to share.

Well, Jennifer is preggers with a baby Boy!!! I am so excited! The little bundle of joy is set to arrive right around Thanksgiving, and we all will be thankful to meet this gift. Everyone is anticipating his arrival and we are already fighting over who will get to hold him the longest. I'm voting me.

To celebrate, we took the whole family out to take some Maternity/Family pictures. It's almost like I am in them. It counts, I'm just holding the camera. :)

Tara and Steven also lived with the Swenson's during their GL year. Their family has grown, and we are all so glad to be able to have 2 last names. Kelsey Lynne Swenson Blome. They came too, because we love to do things in a big group. Especially laugh.

Look at my beautiful Swenson Family. 

The whole family!

I decided I needed in on the action...

Life is just wonderful. 

See more of my work at Become a fan of my work on FACEBOOK. Give me a call so we can chat, 253.569.7600.

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