Friday, September 17, 2010


Tonight, while just looking through pictures on my computer, I came across some of my most favorites. I decided that I should share my treasures with you! Just looking through these makes me want to get my camera and take pictures of the adorable people that I know.

Let's talk about how cute these pictures are. First, I absolutely adore Hayley's red hair and Eowyn's adorable halter dress. Second, Baby Josh was completely in love with playing in the sand. Mostly, because he got to crawl around and he didn't have to worry about getting his clothes dirty. Probably because he wasn't wearing clothes. Oh babies. How cute. And lastly, I love Cara and Josh. Cara is one of my most favorite people to be around. She is completely honest and genuine and really full of wisdom. Not to mention her and Justin have 2 of the most adorable boys alive. Oh gosh, if I loved these people any more, my heart would explode!

Life is beautiful, and filled with treasures. 


Andrea Diedrich :) said...

Love these Kels!!!
You catch some great shots. It's like you and the camera disappear and you capture priceless moments.

candacemorris said...

Looks great, Kels. Glad to see this happening!