Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thought of the Day: Hope

"Fear takes you captive, Hope sets you free..."

Today has been a day full of thoughts. Ones that come and linger in your mind long after they first arrive. I've been thinking of the future, photography, the present, my to-do lists, and my goals. Those thoughts that really never fully get settled.

While thinking, I remembered....That instead of being taken captive by fear, that I should cling to hope. Hope that the future will be better than I can imagine. How exciting to wake up and know that the best day of my life has not already past, but is coming. That the future should not make me fearful, but hopeful.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with the present. The lack of order in my head and the things that are out of my control. But today, I decided that I wasn't going to be overwhelmed. I'm not going to think about all the things I have to do tomorrow, or the things that I didn't do yesterday. Because when thinking about those things, all I'm doing is missing the moments that are happening. Oh life, I'm ready to live you.

This picture has been stuck in my mind. I love kids, and I love how when they look towards the future, there is nothing but excitement. No fear, just hope. Thanks Ella, you are what I want to be like.

Life is happening now, live it.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

This totally just spoke to me and was totally what my day was about. You are hearing right about this Kels.