Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rainbow Sprinkles

"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there someday."
-Winnie the Pooh

Sometimes life feels like plain vanilla ice cream. Work, sleep, clean, wash, rinse, repeat. But then, there are the people who take life and put rainbow sprinkles, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream on it. That is what happens whenever I am with the Garland Family. They are rainbow sprinkles. They make life exciting, and fun. When I am with Cara & Justin, it's obvious they want to make the most of each moment and laugh at the craziness of life. There is always a reason to laugh and play with them. These are not plain vanilla ice cream people. They are Birthday Cake Remix people.

Yesterday was full of sprinkles. Let me show you.

Life is fantastic. 

Check out my WEBSITE, Send me an E-MAIL, or Call me 253.569.7600!


Alison said...

These are beyond fantastic! I am so very proud of you! What a gift you are cultivating!

Sara said...

These are wonderful. You capture life so wonderfully!

carlem said...

these are amazing Kels! I think you get such great shots because you take so much joy in what you are doing!