Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby Eva Mae : Newborn

"Where there's life, there's hope."

Last month, I took a trip to Minnesota to visit some friends and take a little vacation. Liz, my sister who isn't related by blood is from Minnesota so I got to stay with her family and meet her new baby niece. Baby Eva Mae Rhein is the nicest baby. She was born a month early on March 30th and was only 4 lbs. 7 oz. She is a little peanut, the cutest peanut you've ever seen. Her Mama, Brooke, is one of the most wonderful people. She is such a good mom.

While rocking baby Eva to sleep, her big sisters Halle and Ella were there to make sure their baby sister was doing okay. They love her and want to hold her always. When she would start to cry or get a little fussy, they were there to calm her down. Halle and Ella, you were the best helpers. Brooke, thank you so much for letting me take pictures of your precious baby. Hope to visit your family in the future again!

Life is full of hope.

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Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace, baby Eva! You're a beautiful angel now looking down on us all!

Anonymous said...

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