"She knew what all smart women knew: Laughter made you live better and longer."
-Gail Parent
Welcome to the first edition of "Kelsey's Embarrassing Moments". Please, take a seat. Grab a kleenex for fits of laughter that might result in tears...I'll start at the beginning.
For Christmas, Tammy sent me a package full of presents. She is the sweetest person in the whole world and if you spent 2 minutes with her, I'm sure you would agree. One of the things she sent me was an "iPlunge". Visit Here to purchase one for yourself. (You are gonna want one.) She thought it was hilarious and I did too. It is a mini-plunger that works as a stand for your iPhone.
On Tuesday night, we were Skyping and laughing about everything. This is a normal occurrence. We Skype, usually much later than we should be awake, and everything becomes hilarious. It might be because lack of sleep, or we might just be the funniest people you've ever known.
Anyway, while skyping, I noticed the iPlunge sitting on my desk and started playing with it. Suctioning it to my computer, my phone, my arm.....And then my forehead. Yes, I am a genius. Apparently my forehead is the flattest surface in the world, because it grabbed on for its life. We laughed as it was stuck looking like MAAAAYBE I was a unicorn. A unicorn plumber.
After a few minutes of laughing, it started to hurt, so I tried to pull it off. Let's just say it was a bit painful and felt like I was ripping off one of my eyebrows. And then, what did I see??? A HUGE RED CIRCLE. Oh ya, a huge red PLUNGER HICKEY! Tara, Tammy, & Kyle laughed. I kind of laughed, and then googled "How to remove a hickey?" I definitely have never googled THAT before.
So after reading up and realizing that I didn't have any Vitamin K laying around, I discovered that it most likely will last for 5-7 days. Oh ya, Internet. 5-7 DAAAAYS!!!
When I woke up in the morning, it was not lighter. And it hasn't gotten lighter yet. But that's okay. Because my family and friends are trying to come up with solutions for me. Want to hear some of my favorites???
From My Mom : Make some more red circles on my forehead. Draw vines with a marker. Pretend it's a cluster of grapes.
From Tara : Tell people I used to be a unicorn, but my horn fell off.
From My Dad : Get some flesh colored paint, because make-up doesn't cover it.
From Cara : Cut Bangs.
My Solution: Purchase a sweet "Dan'l Boone Coonskin Cap" from the Sportsman's Wharehouse and pretend that I hunt and fish. While wearing dresses.
All that to say, I have a new addition to my face. And people love to stare at it when I am in public. I have been asked many times already, "OH MY GOSH! What happened to your face!?" It's the best. I love love love my plunger hickey.
Take a look.
Life is best when you used to be a unicorn...
See more of my work at www.kelseylynnephotography.com. Become a fan of my work on FACEBOOK. Give me a call so we can chat, 253.569.7600.
Kels...A friend of mine had some sort of suction cup backrub/massage at a resort. It left huge "hickey" all over her back. She was so upset, she told her Dad she was attacked by an octopus while snorkeling. He didn't really believe her but couldn't very well call his own daughter a liar.
He found out a few months later and really rubbed it in.
Do you have a name for your alter ego as a unicorn?
I'M CRYING. AND MY STOMACH HURTS. And NO. I'm not SICK. I've been laughing hysterically. AGAIN. :D
I always loved unicorns. Even before I MET one. They are the coolest. And who knew? THE FUNNIEST. Even after they lose their horn. Huh.
Follow Kelsey"s blog. DEFINITELY call her and have her take your pics. She's the most talented "Hickey Head" ...er...I mean...PHOTOGRAPHER that I know. :)
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