"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
-Albert Camus
Steve and Alie have been on the blog before, when Alie was preggers with Jacoby. My friend Josiah and I shot their maternity session together and I am pretty sure I wish I could shoot with Josiah always. We laughed almost the whole time.
When Steve told me at work that they wanted to do a Pumpkin Patch Session, I felt like he just gave me a cupcake. It was perfect weather when they came out, and I had the best time with them. Not to mention they had on the perfect pumpkin patch outfits. Talk about color coordination. LOVE IT.
Jacoby and I had gone on a date the previous weekend, so we were glad to have a second date at the pumpkin patch. Actually, Steve & Alie went on a date and I watched their baby. But, he's way cute, and we had dinner and watched a movie. What a nice evening it was. He is basically perfect.
Maverick, their dog even came for a few pictures. And wanted to give Baby Jacoby a kiss. Maybe my favorite picture ever. Also, I was LOVING these in black and white. Let me show you. They just are SO pretty!
Take a look at this model family.
Life is almost perfect. Just like Jacoby.
Also, please let me know if you are interested in a Pumpkin Patch Session for next fall! I would love to put your name on the list of who to send details to when that time rolls around! You can leave a comment, or send me an e-mail kelsblome (at) mac . com.
See more of my work at www.kelseylynnephotography.com. Become a fan of my work on FACEBOOK. Give me a call so we can chat, 253.569.7600.