Thursday, October 21, 2010

Backyard Perfection...

I love imperfect things. I love hair that isn't perfect (as you can tell by the craziness on my head always), I love wearing clothes that don't match, I love old broken down things. I think it's because life really is imperfectly perfect. The things that are most beautiful are the things that are just the way they are...imperfect.

Well you see, spontaneous photo shoots are my favorite too. And Jaimee, well, she's another one of my favorites. (As you can see, favorite is one of my FAVORITE words...) So, we went to her backyard and she put on a dress, and these are the BEAUTIFUL photos that came out of the whole scenario. You see, I love these not because everything is exactly perfect but because it is real. This is life. This is Jaimee and her cat who sometimes sneaks into pictures. This is beautiful, because Jaimee is radiant and beautiful and full of life. And because your life probably looks a lot like this sometimes, but your life is beautiful and so is mine, even when it's not perfect.

Life is perfect.

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