Friday, October 8, 2010

Tell Me Whatcha Want...

What you really, really want.

Don't you ever wish that you could decide how much things will cost? Like those new jeans that you want or those boots? I know exactly how you feel, and I have come up with a solution!

For the next week, you get to name your price. Tell me how much you are willing to pay. On a budget? Great!!! Only want to spend $30? Perfect! I can work with that!

Here is how this "Name Your Own Price Special" will go! For the next week, you can either comment on this blog, e-mail me, call me, or facebook me with how much you are willing to pay and what kind of photos you are interested in (i.e. babies, engagement, senior pictures, family, etc.) and I will give you a time frame and a guaranteed number of top-notch photos. You get to pick your location and are welcome to change clothes as many times as you want within your time frame.

You tell me that you want to spend $50 for family pictures.
I would say, 45 minute session, with 8-10 guaranteed images.

Take a look at a few pictures! Here are some of my favorite moments.

Life is worth remembering.

Contact Me: (253) 569-7600,, or facebook: Kelsey Blome


Tara said...

Okay, Best deal of your life! Anyone who has any hesitation is CRAZY! Kelsey Lynne not only takes amazing pics, but is also a blast to work with! Do it Ya'll! You wont regret it! (good luck Kels!)

Michelle said...

Ditto ditto ditto Tara!!!