"Laughter is an instant vacation"
Being on vacation is one of the best things, but I do have to agree. One of the best things about vacation is the laughter. The ridiculous memories that happen when everyone is less stressed and enjoying being in the sun. I'm on the airplane home right now. It is bittersweet. Sad to leave the sun, the beach, and the naps. Excited to see my friends, my puppy, and my home. Secret about me: I LOVE my home. It is always warm and full of blankets and people, and most of the time...Banana bread. Yummy.
These pictures were taken over a month ago. But I have to say, going to the pumpkin patch with the Hardebeck family has been one of my favorite moments. I think I like it the most, because I just spent time with their family. It wasn't stressful. We played in the mud and I took a million pictures.
Sometimes when you look at something too long, you don't see things right in front of your face. Kind of like a Where's Waldo puzzle. He's always right where you have been looking for 7 minutes. It was almost like that today! It was like "HOW DID I NOT SEE THESE EARLIER!"...I had to share them with you.
The reason I like these...Because they are real life. They aren't super posed or photoshopped. Actually, none of them are photoshopped. That is always my goal...To make people look like themselves. Because, who wants to feel like they just got a spray tan and a nose job when they look back at their family pictures? (Correct Answer=NOBODY) The people in my life are beautiful, my clients are beautiful. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. So let's take pictures of you being your beautiful selves!
Galadriel is pregnant. With a baby, not a pumpkin. Don't worry!
Can this one please be in an Oreo Commercial!?