Sunday, December 19, 2010

You Lifesaver, You.

"This is the message of Christmas:  We are never alone. " 
~Taylor Caldwell

My Grandma asked me last night what my favorite thing to take pictures of is. I immediately knew the answer. I love children. I love love love kids. Plus, they are almost always doing cute things, so that makes my job a breeze. But I definitely never could wear heels on a photo shoot. Mostly because broken noses are not cute and kids like to run faster than I could do safely 4 inches off the ground. 

Today was one of those days. Family pictures with a gorgeous family. They are friends of some other clients of mine, Aaron and Theresa. I am so glad I have met them. Trisha and Brett have adorable children. Ethan, Jude, and Sophie. Jude became my best friend in about 2 seconds. He was showing me his toys, and he even wanted to get me a battery for my camera. I'm not sure why, but I think he thought I might need it. Thank you Jude. You lifesaver, you. Ethan is so nice too, he wanted to help me set up and take down. What a man.

And Sophie. Oh lovely. Your whole face lights up when you smile. I love your baby teeth too. 

Trisha and Brett, your family is beautiful. I am so glad to have met you. Your kids are the cutest. 

Life is even good without all your teeth. =]

**One addition to the Kelsey Lynne Photography blog is "Reactions"!!! If you don't have time to comment, you can just check what your first reaction to the post is. Unforgettable, Love it!, or Take it or Leave it.**

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